Posts Tagged ‘: Michael Hernandez’

When I sit here and think about what Michael Hernandez, the delusional 14-year-old kid recently received, my heart cracks a little deeper. Because, like his victim, Michael is going away for a very long time. In fact, he’s going away forever. Michael was given a life sentence last week in Miami, Florida, for murdering a classmate. No parole. No freedom. No hope for Michael or his loved ones ever again.

My first thought went out to Brandon McInerney, Ventura, California’s Stolen Boy, who is facing his own battle against what will amount to a life sentence. Again, with little hope, and no shot at parole. And I wonder who the winners and the losers in all this really are.

When I see so many adults, committing such heinous acts, and getting so much better results out of their legal battles, I wonder where the equality in the justice system really lies. For instance, three days before Michael was sentenced, in Broward County Florida, Lonnie Lauriston, 23, received a three-year sentence for beating 4-year-old D’Hamonie Francois to death. Earlier this summer, in Palm Beach, 22-year-old Charles Tyson, 22, worked a 40-year deal for tossing his 9-month-old son from a moving car, then throwing him into a canal. Eventually, these two men will get out of prison, which, if they show remorse and a rehabilitated sense of societal values, should be the case. But not so for Michael Hernandez. And probably not for Brandon McInerney either.


A mentally ill child sentenced to life without parole makes a brutal contrast to so many adult killers lucky enough to cop a plea. It’s plain, looking at other murder cases in Florida and across the country this year, that the quality of the victim influences the sentence.


The change in the judicial system is going to be an uphill battle because there are so many political clogs to the system who don’t want to appear soft on crime. That’s why prevention is so important. Yet, there’s so many parents out there who have become completely out of touch with their children who are completely out of touch with reality, as most of us are.


That’s why I’ve begun something that I’d like to share with you. If you live near Ventura, California, I’d like to invite you to our Transformational Third Thursdays, where every month we meet on the third Thursday free of charge at Bank of Books, from 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Our next meeting will be held on November 20th. Here, we discuss ways of getting our conditioned ego and mind and emotional-reactive patterns under control. We discuss ways of dealing with relationships in a joyful and loving way, and tools and guides that can be used in trying to reach a troubled child or teen or parent before it’s too late.

As a spinoff, we have begun to put together a series of podcasts on related consciousness transforming issues with my new partner, Lisa Osborne.

Our first seven-minute podcast is now available and I encourage you to tap into the latest high-vibrational information available. There is a new wave of consciousness being generated that is beginning to tip the scale of existence toward universal change and societal transformation. I encourage you to become a part of it. I implore you to join us.

If you want to read more about what we’re doing, please see what the Ventura County Star has to say.